
I am a mom of older children and have noticed that the time has come when I do not have the hustle and bustle of little ones constantly around my feet and life now seems to be a bit of a let down. Well life has changed and now I have more hustle and bustle then ever. I am the Grammy Nanny to my 3 grandsons.
I was savoring the time that was mine and now have to share it with everyone all over again. The growing pains are upon me again and trying to define who I am again. The upside is that I get to cuddle little ones again! I still haven't truly learned to hug myself yet nor to be understanding to my own feelings. Did anyone notice how hard it is to be nice and understanding to yourself? That being said I hope that you will be part of my journey into yet another part of my life.

Monday, August 2, 2010

trying hard

I have finished the dresses that I was working on and now I am going to finish the elusive yellow dress. I don't know why it is so hard to do. I think that it is because it was the first thing that I wanted to sew. It is cut out, sewn, and now I am working on the hem. I am getting kind of excited because if I can conquer this then I will start to work on some simple dresses and attempt to finish the yellow caftan. I have it all pinned but not sure how to stitch it together. Oh yes and that romper that is pinned on the dress form. I know what I want something to look like but I still do not know how to make it work. I will have to post the pictures of the finished dresses. I am proud of them and should show that I have finished them.

I had the best time when my sister and niece were here. We did so much together. It was great. I felt like I was in a whirl wind and oddly when I didn't sew I had anxiety. So we made monsters. I made one with my niece and one for my g-baby. My niece turned 25 and for her b-day we went to Hoboken and went to Carlos Bakery. My sister ordered a cake and then we went for lunch. I will have to write about the things we did and post some of the pictures. Best of times! I pray that I will be able to make it to Florida to surprise my mom for her birthday.
Good Night

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