today I have a day off and am not feeling well. I would like to at least use the time to finish the dresses that I have started. I also would like to post the pics from making an over sized men's sweater into a neat zipper front boyfriend sweater.
I took a sweater I got from Old Navy because it had cool colored stripes and folded it in half to find the center of the front. I pinned the seams together so it wouldn't move while I was cutting. I then cut down that folded edge.
The sweater did not unravel but I tried not to handle it too much so I wouldn't put any pulls or runs in it. I also had it on the dress form and pinned it so it would be more form fitting and feminine. I stitched the edge before I cut the sides.
I used black piping on the edge that I cut. I also put the red bias taped to cover all the edges.
I hand stitched the binding down with nylon thread so it would be invisible.
This looked really good but then my lovely husband saw it on the dress form and said wow that would look good with a zipper and I agreed. So I ripped out the hand stitching and the bias tape and put a separating zipper in.
I don't have a picture of this part of the process. I took some of the photos with my phone and my phone got a virus and I lost my pics. This met with other challenges such as making sure the stripes were even
and stayed even when I was putting the zipper in. I took the whole
thing apart at least 3 or 4 times.
I took the pieces that I cut from the sleeves to shorten them and used them to make the pockets.
I really love how this sweater came out. It is so comfy and I just love the colors.