
I am a mom of older children and have noticed that the time has come when I do not have the hustle and bustle of little ones constantly around my feet and life now seems to be a bit of a let down. Well life has changed and now I have more hustle and bustle then ever. I am the Grammy Nanny to my 3 grandsons.
I was savoring the time that was mine and now have to share it with everyone all over again. The growing pains are upon me again and trying to define who I am again. The upside is that I get to cuddle little ones again! I still haven't truly learned to hug myself yet nor to be understanding to my own feelings. Did anyone notice how hard it is to be nice and understanding to yourself? That being said I hope that you will be part of my journey into yet another part of my life.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

looking forward to new project

The hubby and I and hopefully a couple of the kids will be going to the Santa con in NYC on December 11. I am so looking forward to this silliness. My husband does not to be the stereotypical Santa, no he wants to be a more 5th Ave fashionable Santa. So I got a red/black taffeta that I would like to make into a suit for him including a top hat. I found a tutorial for the top hat on Threadbanger. It is a great tutorial and it is on youtube as well, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKcbk6xnSz4. It looks easy enough, famous last words. So that is my goal. I had started making a couple of pair of pants but they are not working out like I had hoped. So I took a pair of pants that I like the fit of but do not like the print of anymore apart placed them against the pattern and have adjusted, I just need to finish them and see if they fit. I hope so. I really need to start on Hubby's 5th Ave Santa suit. I am not sure what kind of dress I would like to wear. I was thinking about a 50's style sheath dress and have a fluffy shear overskirt with a white edge. But I better start on the suit first.

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